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Tuesday 14 May 2013

PV Dovleac turcesc cu ierburi aromate la cuptor

1/2 dovleac 
Boia iute
Sare de mare 
1 lingura ulei de masline
Dovleacul se curată de coaja si seminte si se taie cubulete de cca 3cm.
Se pun intr-o tava tava tapetata cu folie de aluminiu. 
Se condimenteaza cu o lingura de ulei, sare si restul condimentelor si se da la cuptor la 180*C până cand se rumenesc si sunt patrunsă.

Friday 19 April 2013

Gratin de Conopida

Pentru 4 portii

  • 1 conopida medie
  • 250 gr carne slaba tocata
  • 2 cepe
  • 2 catei usturoi
  • 3 linguri de cascaval degresat (optional)
  • patrunjel
  • coriandru


  1. Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C  sau 350°F
  2. Taiati conopida in buchetele mici si fierbeti-o. 
  3. Dupa fierbere aruncati excesul de apa si pasati pana devine piure.
  4. Pregatiti carnea tocata intr-o tigaie antiaderenta, pana se patrunde, asezonand de sare si piper.
  5. Puneti carnea intr-un vas de iena, sau intr-o tava peste care adaugati ceapa tocata, usturoiul pisat si verdeata si apoi tot piureul de conopida.
  6. Presarati cascavalul ras si dati la cuptor pentru cca 20 min

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Spaghete Yam Bolognese


  • 250 gr ameste carne tocata de vita si porc slaba
  • 200 gr spaghete yam
  • 3-4 rosii sau daca sunteti la Atac, puteti inlocui cu 1 lingura de boia dulce
  • o ceapa
  • 2-3 catei usturoi
  • o jumatate de pahar de vin rosu sec
  • 1 cub concentrat de vita (optional)
  • busuioc
  • ardei iute (optional)
  • piper
  • sare

Ceapa taiata cubulete se pune la intr-o tigaie antiaderenta, cu putina apa, si se lasa pe foc, pana devine translucenta. Daca folositi boia, acum este momentul sa o adaugati. Atentie, absoarbe apa, asa ca mai adaugati putina.
Se adauga carnea tocata si se lasa putin sa se faca. Dupa se adauga apa si rosiile, facute sos, si se lasa la fiert, la foc mic, timp de cca 40 min.
Dupa cele 40 de min se adauga cubul de vita, vinul, usturoiul pisat sau taiat marunt, piperul, sarea, ardeiul iute si Spaghetele Yam, spalate in prealabil,. Se mai lasa 10 min, sau pana scade zeama.

Unde gasim produsele Dukan?


  • 0% grasime Branza Proaspate de Vaca Prodlacta 500 grame 
  • 0% grasime Miez de Lapte Delaco
  • 0,2% grasime Branza Proaspata Delaco
  • 0,2% grasime Branza Dietetica de  Vaca Lacteea
  • 0,2% grasime Branza Ehrmann

  • 0,1% grasime La Dorna
  • 0,1% grasime Fulga
  • 0,1% grasime Zuzu
  • 0,1% grasime Sanlacta
  • 0,1%grasime Premio Unicarm(il gasiti in Real la 2,69 lei,este cel mai ieftin pe care l-am gasit pe piata)
  • 0,1% grasime Lapte Batut Paco 

  • 0% grasime Nutry Day Danone
  • 0% grasime Iaurt Degresat Zuzu
  • 0% grasime Oly Iaurt Natural Olympus
  • 0% grasime Iaurtul meu fin Tnuva
  • 0,1% grasime Light Activia

  • Cacao Pudra KAOKA BIO 250g (fara zahar, continut scazut de grasimi)
  • Cacao cu Continut Redus de Grasime Dr.OETKER 50 gr

Where to find fat free products in the UK?

Meadow Churn Virtually Fat Free Quark
Oat bran
Reduced fat Tesco Value Cocoa powder (great for desserts or even to add to the oat bran galette)
Light Choices fat free fromage frais

Virtually fat free quark 
Be Good to yourself, natural cottage cheese, less that 2%fat

0.1% Fat Linessa Natural Yogurt
0.4% Fat Linessa Cottage Cheese
Chicken breasts 1kg for £6.99
Chicken thighs and whole chicken are always at good price

Longley Farm virtually fat free cottage cheese

Polish Shops:
You can find fat free cheese varieties. Ask the shop assistant.

Fat free yogurts you can find in most of the supermarkets. 
Some brands that do fat free yogurt:

  • Yeo Valley
  • Total
  • Onken
  • Rachel's
Do be careful, because most of the fat free products have high sugar concentration.

Pastele Yam

"Pastele Yam" mai sunt cunoscute ca si "Zero Pasta", "Miracle Pasta" sau "Shirataki Pasta". Sunt făcute integral din radacina planetei Yam sau "limba diavolului".
Compuse în mare parte din apă şi glucomanan, o fibra solubile în apă, nu prea au o aroma proprie, dar absorb usor orice savoare. (După părerea mea, se gătesc cel mai bine in sosuri.)

Produsul final contine 97% apă şi 3% fibre sub forma unui lichid vâscos. Vin într-o pungă plină de apa, au un miros care poate fi neplăcut.
În conformitate cu un Studiu facut de cercetatorii de la Universitatea din Connecticut, glucomananul poate ajuta la scaderea colesterolului rau LDL, trigliceridele, glicemie şi chiar greutatea corpului. Oamenii de ştiinţă în Thailanda au constatat că doar 1 gram are puterea de a încetini semnificativ absorbţia de zahăr în sânge, după ce sa mananci o masa bogata in carbohidrati.
Am auzit, de asemenea, că ajuta la constipaţie.

Pot fi găsite atât sub forma "umeda", uscata sau moale. Atunci când sunt ude, acestea sunt achiziţionate preambalate în lichid. În mod normal, au o valabilitate de până la un an. Unele branduri poate necesita clatire sau para-fierbere.

Alternativ, pastele pot fi drenate şi uscate. Acest procedeu se face prin plasarea pastelor intr-o tigaie non-aderenta la foc mare, pentru cca un minut.

Nu au nici un carbohidrat, calorii sau gluten, de unde si numele de "Zero Pasta". Sunt translucide si gelatinoase si pot fi găsite sub orice forma, spaghete, pene, fidea, taietei, fettuccini, etc.

Mie mi-a fost greu sa găsesc ceva negativ legat de aceste "Paste Miraculoase". Dacă cineva ştie ceva ce eu nu am mentionat, va rog sa comentati.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Antrenamentul de astazi (15 - 20 min)

Astazi este zi de Atac pentru mine, alimentatie care include doar proteine,  dar asta nu inseamana ca o sa lenevesc toata ziua. Nu ca nu as vrea, dar nu este deloc productiv.
Dupa cum stiti folosesc metodele celor de la "Insane home fat loss".

Antrenamentul meu pentru astazi ese urmatorul:

1. Intinderi/Stretch:

2. Exercitii pt Abdomen si Fesieri

1. Intinderi/Stretch:

Si pentru ca astazi avem o zi atat de frumoasa, la Londra, acest antrenament nu poate fi urmat decat de o plimbare in aer liber.
 Zi frumoasa tuturor.

Friday 5 April 2013

Plan de exercitii pentru Partea Inferioara a Corpului

Formula este 121. 
Sfat:  Lucrati foarte intens si putin ca timp. 
        Optati pentru o singura varianta 2.

1. Intinderi/Stretch:

2. Abdomen si Fesieri:

2. Fesieri: J.Lo

2. Fesieri:

2. Fesieri si Coapse:

1. Intinderi/Stretch:

Plan de Exercitii, Partea Superioara a Corpului

Formula este 121. 
Sfat:  Lucrati foarte intens si putin ca timp. 
        Optati pentru o singura varianta 2.

1. Intinderi/Stretch:


2. Abdomen:

2. Abdomen:

1. Intinderi/Stretch:

De unde incepem?

  1. In primul rand trebuie sa luam decizia sa ne punem serios pe treaba si sa ne pregatim mental pentru acest lucru. Incetati sa va mai mintiti singuri si sa va complaceti asa cum sunteti. Uitati-va in oglida, deschideti ochii bine, si fiti sinceri. In nici un caz sa nu va mintiti singuri cu "glume" de genul, "Si asa este prea tarziu acum" sau "Cine ma place ma place as cum sunt" sau "Nu sunt chiar asa de gras(a)".
  2. Faceti-va o lista cu toate alimentele de care aveti nevoie.
  3. Goliti frigiderul de toate alimentele care nu sunt acceptate in dieta.
  4. Umpleti-va frigiderul cu alimentele permise. Aveti grija sa nu ramane-ti niciodata fara.
  5. Mariti numarul meselor zilnice
  6. Beti mai multe lichide, minim 2,5 litri pe zi.
  7. Reduceti consumul de sare.
  8. Gatiti!!! O dieta monotona, este o cale sigura spre esec. Nu va limitati la oua isrte si carne la gratar, trebuie sa aveti mese diversificate, altfel organismul va refuza hrana si veti avea stari de greata, ameteli, oboseala, etc.
  9. Nu uitati de activitatea fizica. Odata ce progresati cu dieta si perioada de oboseala dispare, incepeti sa introduceti in rutina zilnica si cateva exercitii fizice, peste cele 20/30 min de mers pe jos. 
Faceti-va un program saptamanal, in asa fel incat sa exersati cel putin de 3 /4 ori pe saptamana, lucrand toti muschii.
Atentie!!!! NU lucrati toate perechile de muschi intr-o zi. Indicat este sa lucrati intr-o zi partea superioara a corpului, si in urmatoarea zi, partea inferioara. Astfel dati muschilor timp de relaxare, si ferba musculara se va simti mai putin.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Ce sa facem cand calcam stramb???

Am calcat stramb???
Pacat, dar suntem doar oameni, avem voie sa gresim. Ceea ce nu avem voie este sa nu ne recunoastem greseala si sa nu incercam sa o reparam, pe loc.
Daca s-a intamplat sa mancam ceva ce nu facea parte din plan, nu trebuie sa inchidem ochii, sau mai rau sa continuam toata ziua cu astfel de scapari.
Treceti imediat la planul initial. Daca era o zi de Atac si ati mancat legume,  sau in cazuri mai grave cand ati dat buzna la dulciuri sau mai stiu eu ce, nu continuati asa pt toata ziua, spunandu-va ceva de genul "E...acum tot am gresit, macar sa o tin asa toata ziua".
Intradevar o sa va coste, aceasta greseala, dar imaginati-va cat v-ar costa daca ati gresi toata ziua.

4 motive ce ne fac sa pierdem in lupta contra kg in plus

1. Asteptam ca acele kg in plus sa dispara peste noapte
2. Nu depunem suficient efort in ceea ce priveste dieta sau exercitiile fizice. Nu este suficient sa mancam sanatos daca nu facem sport, si nici sa facem sport fara sa mancam sanatos. Banlance is the key to success.
3. Ne este foarte greu sa trecem peste febra musculara, care apare la inceput.
4. Nu avem un plan bine pus la punct, pe care sa il urmam cu strictete. Si ma refer aici atat la dieta cat si la exercitii fizice.

Guiaș Unguresc

Un lucru am învățat de la Piști. Cum sa pregătesc Guiaș Unguresc.
Il rog să ma ierte că am adaptat reteta, la dieta Dukan.
Știu ca un Guiaș Unguresc, adevărat, nu se face fără cartofi, dar....merge si fără. ;)
Cel puțin am păstrat regula de bază, si anume că trebuie facut cu o varietate de carne, și neapărat cu afumatură.

• 200 gr carne macră, slaba, de vita,taiata cubulete
• 200 gr carne macră, slaba, de porc,taiata cubulete
• 3-4 cremvusti de pui (afumati, de preferință),taiati
• o conserva de tofu
• 1 ceapă mare
• 2 morcovi
• 1 dovlecel micuț
• 2 linguri rase de boia dulce
• ardei iute (după gust)
• bulion de țară, sau 2-3 roșii proaspete, făcute pastă
• 1 linguriță piper
• foi de dafin
• patrunjel verde (opțional)

• Se pune ceapa la călit, in câteva linguri de apă, sau intr-o lingura de ulei, dacă folosiți.
• După ce devine translucentă, se adaugă boiaua si încă puțină apa.
• Se adaugă carnea și se lasă sa se facă pe toate părțile.
• Dupa ce s-a perpelit bine carnea, pe toate partile, se adaugă restul de zarzavat, tocat in cuburi măricele, cremvuști, tofu și condimentele.
• Completam de apă, cât sa treacă cu cca 5 cm peste, se acoperă si se lăsa la foc mediu, pana ce carnea este patrunsă bine, mestecând ocazional.
Dacă scade apa prea mult, se mai completează pe parcurs.
Guiașul trebuie sa aibă ceva zeamă, nu trebuie sa fie de consistența unei tocanițe.

Porridge cu Scortisoara


• 1,5 sau 2 linguri tărâță de ovaz
• 1 lingura tărâță de grâu
• indulcitor după gust
• scortisoara

Se pune laptele la fiert, in care s-a adaugat si restul ingredientelor.
Când laptele începe sa fiarbă, trebuie mestecat continuu ca să nu se lipeasca.
Se servește atât cald cât si rece.

Greutatea Dorita vs Greutatea Normala (BMI)

Greutatea normala sau BMI (Indicele de Masa Corporala), pe care fiecare om ar trebui sa o aiba, nu este tot timpul si greutatea pe care ne-o dorim. Sau este?
Ar trebui sa fie!!!
De ce?
Pentru ca a arata bine nu inseamna a fi exagerat de slab, inseamna sa avem un corp bine proportionat si tonifiat. Daca incercam sa scapam de colaceii de slaninuta doar prin dieta, vom ajunge niste anorexici cu colacei de slaninuta pe burtica.
Cu totii stim, ca slaninuta de pe burtica si alte zoneincapatanate,  se da jos doar prin munca multa.

!!!Greutatea normala + tonus muscular = aratat bine!!!

Cum ne aflam greutatea normala???
Sunt convinsa ca stiti vorba acea "kilogramele trebuie sa fie cu 10 mai putine decat centimetri de la inaltime". Adica, daca avem 1 metru 78 cm, ca in cazul meu, greutatea mea normala ar fi 68kg. Dar asta nu e o regula aplicabila pentru toate varstele si pentru ambele sexe. de aceea, daca vrem sa fim precisi, ne putem calcula BMI pe situl Dr. Dukan: la sectiunea "Find your true weight".
Asa cum si Dr Dukan spune, multi dintre noi tindem sa ne luam "o masura de precautie" si incercam sa slabim cu cateva kg mai mult decat indica greutatea noastra normala.
De ce tindem sas facem acest lucru?
Pentru a ne lua o masura de precautie, ca in cazul in care nu ne putem consolida si stabiliza greutatea normala, sa avem unde sa adaugam cateva kg si sa ne putem indulci amarul, zicand..."Lasa ca mai pot pune cateva kg in plus pana la greutatea normala".
Este o conceptie total gresita. In primul rand pentru ca ne consumam energia pentru a pierde cateva kg in plus, cand defapt, ar trebui sa o pastram pentru a ne consolida si stabiliza greutatea actuala.
Cu cat ne reducem greutatea, cu atat organismult lupta si mai mult sa o puna la loc. Deaceea avem nevoie de toata energia posibila, pentru a lupta sa o stabilizam pe cea normala.
Deci ce ne facem cu resturile de sunculita ramasa ???
Pai, e simpul.
O dam jos.
Prin SPORT!!!!!
Vreau sa specific, ca nu sfatuiesc sa incepeti cu exercitii fizice foarte solicitante odata cu Faza de Atac. Eu am inceput odata cu Faza de Croaziera, dar treptat, de la ceva usor la mai greu.
Dieta este foarte solicitanta si extenuanta, de aceea este indicat doar mersul pe jos.
Eu zic, ca pentru cei care pot, nu strica ceva extra sport. Asta depinde de fiecare, bineinteles.

NB!!! Am postat niste linkuri cu exercitii cardio foarte eficiente, pentru a da jos ce a ramas.

O doza de motivare

Cand vine vorba sa ne apucam de ceva serios, pentru multi dintre noi exista "Maine".
"Maine" este ziua preferata a multora dintre noi.
"De maine ma apuc de dieta."
"De maine ma apuc de sport."
"De maine ma apuc de invatat."
"De maine ma las de fumat."
Ce ziceti daca dam "Maine" pe "Astazi"?
Ce se va intampla?
O sa facem, in sfarsit, ceva productiv pentru noi insine.
Haideti sa fim prietenii si nu dusmanii nostri. Haideti sa dam "Maine" pe "Astazi".

De tinut minte pentru Faza de Stabilizare

Importanta alimentelor tolerate si a meselor festive din perioada de Consolidare

Exerciti cardio care chiar functioneaza

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Oua cu Spanac si Somon afumat Croaziera

• cca 400gr spanac
• oua (câte doriți)
• o felie somon afumat (sau mai mult)

• Spălați spanacul si punețil intr-o cratiță cu capac. Adaugați apă fiarta peste el si acoperiți oala pentru cca 5min.
• Ouăle le puteți face după preferință. Prajite intr-o tigaie antiaderenta sau poached (pe apa). Pentru ouăle pe apa va sfatuiesc sa folosiți o cratiță cu un diametru mai mare si înainte sa spargeți oul, mestecati apa energic cu o lingura. Se va crea astfel un vârtej care va ajuta sa țină albușul de galbenus, astfel oul va arata foarte frumos.

• Spanacul se strecoara si se scurge de apa.
• Se așează pe o farfurie peste care se pune somonul afumat si apoi ouăle.

Budinca de ciocolata


  • 550 ml lapte degresat
  • 2 linguri de amidon/faina de porumb
  • 2 linguri cu varf de cacao (sau mai mult dk doriti)
  • indulcitor dupa gust
  • scortisoara
  • coaja rasa de la o jumatate de portocala
  • esente (daca doriti, dar iese foarte buna fara)

  • Puneti 500 ml de lapte pe aragaz, dar nu il lasati sa dea in clocot.
  • Cei 50 ml din laptele ramas amestecati-l cu amidonul si restul ingredientelor, pana la omogenizare.
  • Cand laptele da sa fiarba turnati peste compozitia omogena (nu compozitia peste lapte) si puneti din nou pe foc, mestecand continuu, pana cand se ingroasa (maxim 5 min).
  • Se toarna cald in forme sau boluri mici, se acopera cu folie de plastic ca sa nu faca coaja la suprafata, si se da la rece.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Tiramisu Dukan

Sunt multe retete de tiramisu Dukan, dar pentru mine, aceasta este cea mai buna.
Am gasit-o pe situl, dar am modificat-o putin.


- 4 albușuri
- 1 galbenuș
- 3 linguri de amidon
- 3 linguri tărâțe de ovăz
- 2 linguri tărâțe grâu
- îndulcitor praf pentru gătit (după gust)
- 1 lingurita prag de copt
- 3 linguri lapte praf degresat
Cremă de vanilie:
-3 gălbenușuri
- 375 ml lapte degresat
- 2 linguri amidon
- îndulcitor după gust
- 250 gr quark
- 2-3 fiole esență de vanilie
-  3 foi gelatină
-150 ml cafea
- 1 lingură îndulcitor
- 1 fiolă esență de rom
Batem albușurile spumă cu mixerul. Adăugăm gălbenușul și mai mixam puțin. Adăugați pe rând amidonul, tărâțele, îndulcitorul, laptele praf și praful de copt și amestecați compoziția, de sus în jos încet, cu o spatula sau lingura de lemn.
Turnați această compoziție într-o tavă de chec de preferat și introduceti-o în cuptorul încins la 180 grade pentru 35-40 minute sau pana se coace. Când este gata îl scoateți la răcit și după 10 minute îl scoateți și din tavă. Daca  puneti compozitia in tav ade chec, blatul trebuie taiat felii de cca 1 cm.
Budinca de vanilie:
Într-un vas punem amidonul, îndulcitorul și esența de vanilie și turnăm circa trei sferuri din lapte. Amestecăm bine să nu se facă cocoloașe și adăugăm și gălbenușurile. Punem vasul pe foc mic și amestecăm în continuu ca să nu se prindă. Când s-a îngroșat o luăm de pe foc și o lăsăm la răcit cu o folie de plastic pusă peste vas ca sa nu facă scoarță.
După ce s-a răcit crema de vanilie puneți gelatina la hidratat în apă la temperatura camerei. Până se hidratează mixăm crema de vanilie cu quarkul. Laptele rămas îl încălzim puțin și  topim gelatina hidratată în el. Apoi îl adăugăm peste amestecul de cremă de vanilie și quark.
Daca nu doriti sa folositi gelatina, faceti crema mai groasa.
Amestecam cafeaua cu îndulcitorul și esența de rom.
În tava în care l-am copt punem o folie de aluminiu (ca în poză) și punem prima foaie pe care o însiropăm bine de tot cu siropul, apoi turnăm crema de vanilie. Mai adăugăm altă foaie, o însiropăm, apoi iar cremă de vanilie. Ultima foaie trebuie și ea însiropată și acoperită cu un strat de cremă.
Dam tava la rece pt cateva ore.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Tolerated Foods List

Lista cu Alimente Tolerate 

Chiar daca in carte nu sunt specificate, Dr Dukan include in dieta cateva alimente tolerate.
Sunt numite 'alimente tolerate' pentru ca nu pot fi consumate la discretie, si sunt permise doar ocazional. Ele trebuiesc consumat cu grija deoarece contin mult mai multe calorii decat alimentele permise.

  • 1 lingurita de ulei de masline /zi
  • 1lingura de faina/amidon de porumb
  • 100 gr de Rubarb/zi in zilele Atac si nelimitat in PV
  • 1 lingura de ketchup 
  • 1 lingura de pudra de budinca facuata cu lapte degresat si indulcitor
  • 2 lingurite de cacao care sa nu contina mai mult de 20% de grasime si fara zahar adaugat
  • 30 de cascaval / branza slaba (maxim 7% grasime)
  • iaurt degresat cu fructe maxim 200 gr/zi
  • lapte de soya maxim 150 ml/zi
  • iaurt simplu de soia
  • 1 lingura de sos de soia, degresat si redus in sare de preferinta
  • cremvusti de pui maxim 100 gr/zi
  • 1 lingura de tarata de grau /zi
  • 3 linguri de vin sec /zi
  • 1 lingura/30gr de smatana cu 3% grasime

The Stabilization Phase

Your hard work is now truly rewarded, and you can now go back to eating what you want for 6 days out of 7, but you have to keep the Consolidation foods as your safety base and platform.
Hold on to everything you have learned and the good habits you have acquired while completing the whole Dukan Diet program.
Keep one day (same day every week) of Pure Proteins, for the rest of your life.
Take 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day for the rest of your life.
Keep exersizing, and as Dr Dukan says 'Live your life as if elevators and escalators did not exist'
If you neglect any of these, you will put your
weight manage

The Consolidation Phase

After you have reached your 'true weight' or the weight that you want you should continue with a transition diet, in order to bury those kilos for good.
The length of this phase is calculated according to how much weight you have lost, based on 10 days for every 1 kilo you have lost.
Example: For 10 kilos lost you need to be on the transition diet for (10X10) = 100 days.
In order to consolidate your weight you need to fallow the transition diet strictly. DO NOT BRUSH OFF the transition diet, otherwise your hard work will be in vain, and you will start adding back kilos.

You are allowed the following foods:

  • All the protein foods from the Attack diet and the vegetables from the Cruise diet.
  • 1 serving of fresh fruit per day, except bananas, grapes, cherries, dried fruits, and nuts (walnuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios, macadamias, and cashews).
  • 2 slices of 100% whole grain bread per day
  • 1½ ounces (40 grams) of cheese per day
  • 2 servings of starchy foods per week, but no more than 225 gr per portion. In the first half of your consolidation phase, you are allowed 1 serving of starchy foods per week and in the second, 2 servings per week. Starchy foods refer to potatoes, foods made from flour, such as breads, pasta, couscous, bulgur wheat, and wheat berries, polenta, quinoa, and millet as well as cereals such as rice and corn. Please do try and use the ones made of durum or whole grain varieties. 
Rice and potatoes are also allowed, but, can only be eaten occasionally.
  • Lamb, roast pork, and ham (lean cuts), once or twice a week
  • 2 celebration meals per week (you are free to choose any foods). Everything is allowed, but only one of each: 1 starter, 1 main dish, 1 dessert, and allowed, but only one of each: 1 starter, 1 main dish, 1 dessert, and 1 glass of win, but all in a reasonable quantity but only once. Be careful to space out your celebration meals to give your body time to recover in between. 
Many of you who have got this far will have become so used to eating in a new way that you will hesitate to let go and enjoy a celebration meal. You should understand, though, that these meals too have been carefully planned. Moreover, these celebration meals are not simply suggestions, they are instructions you must follow to the letter.The Dukan Diet is a comprehensive program, and you cannot pick and choose from its different component parts without reducing its effectiveness.
  • YOU MUST HAVE 1 day of pure proteins (the Attack diet) per week, on the same day every week and without fail.  If for some reason you cannot keep to your pure protein day on your chosen day one week, do it the previous day or the next day, and the following week go back to your chosen day. But do not slip into the habit of breaking the rhythm this way.
  • 2 table spoons of oat bran per day

The Cruise Phase

The Alternating Protein Diet—Protein + Vegetables
This phase actually consists of two alternating diets: one day, the protein + vegetable diet and then the next day, the pure protein diet, and so on until you reach your target weight.
Everything that was allowed in the pure protein diet is still allowed, with the same freedom of quantity, time of day, and combinations. Just do not make the mistake of eating only vegetables and no proteins.
Vegetables You Can Eat:
From now on, as well as protein-rich foods, you are allowed all cooked or raw vegetables and, here again, without restriction regarding quantity, time of day, or combination.
You can eat tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, asparagus, leeks, string beans (pastai/teci), cabbage, mushrooms, celery, fennel, Swiss chard (foi de sfecla), eggplant (vinete), zucchini (dovlecel verde), summer squash, peppers, and all salad greens, chicory (andive). You can even include carrots, beets (sfecla), and artichokes (anghinare), provided you do not eat them at every meal. These three vegetables contain a little more sugar than the others allowed in the alternating protein diet, but you can eat them liberally while you’re losing weight at a normal rate. However, if your weight loss slows or you reach a plateau, reduce or eliminate their consumption until your weight loss resumes your weight loss resumes.
Throughout this Cruise phase, you will alternate periods of proteins with vegetables with periods without any vegetables until you reach your desired weight.
Vegetables You Cannot Eat:
Potatoes, corn, fresh or dried peas, beans, lentils and avocado.
Rice, quinoa, barley, wheat berries, millet, and other grains are not allowed.
You can eat these vegetables raw or cooked.
Dressings may appear harmless, but they are a major problem for weight loss diets.
Instead you can use this basic vinaigrette:
Basic Vinaigrette 1
This easy, flavorful vinaigrette uses a tiny amount of oil.
1 tablespoon mustard (Dijon or, even better, French wholegrain
5 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 large garlic clove
7 or 8 basil leaves
Take a clean, empty jar and add the mustard, balsamic vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, and freshly ground black pepper. If you like garlic, add a large clove to marinate in the bottom of the jar, together with 7 or 8 basil leaves. Cover the jar and shake vigorously to mix the dressing before serving.
If you do not like balsamic vinegar, you can select another one. Just use a little less: 4 tablespoons for wine, sherry, or raspberry vinegar; 3 tablespoons for champagne vinegar.
Yogurt Dressing
This dressing, made with nonfat yogurt, makes an easy savory sauce.
170  to 226 grams nonfat plain yogurt
1 tablespoon mustard (Dijon, if possible)
Dash of vinegar
Salt, pepper, and herbs to taste
Beat the yogurt and mustard together until it has the consistency of mayonnaise. Add the vinegar, salt, pepper, and herbs.
How Many Vegetables Are You Allowed?
In principle, quantity is not limited. But it is wise not to go beyond common sense simply to take advantage of the fact that you are not restricted. I know patients who eat huge mixed salads without even feeling hungry, chomping through their meal as if they had a mouth full of chewing gum. Eat until you no longer feel hungry, but do not keep going. This does not alter the rule that quantities are unrestricted, which is at the heart of my program. Whatever quantity you eat, you will still lose weight, but at a Whatever quantity you eat, you will still lose weight, but at a slower and less encouraging rate.
Very often, weight loss is spectacular during the first phase and then, when vegetables are introduced, the scales seem to get stuck and do not go down, or may even show a slight increase in pounds. Do not worry—you are not slipping backward.
So what is happening?
During the Attack phase, eating only proteins has a powerful diuretic efect. Reserve fat is lost, as well as a large quantity of water that had been stagnating in the body for a long time. This combination of eliminated water and fat explains why your scales show an impressive loss.
But when vegetables are added to proteins, water is retained once more, which explains the weight plateau. The real weight loss continues, but it is being camouflaged by the return of water. Be patient, and as soon as the pure protein days return, the loss of water weight will start again, and you will see how many pounds you have really lost.
It is always going to be the pure protein days that get the machine moving and that are responsible for the diet’s overall effectiveness. So do not be surprised to see your weight go down at regular intervals. The weight loss levels out during the vegetable days and then drops down to another level during the pure protein days, and so on.
Some Additions for the Cruise Phase:

Oat Bran
During the Cruise phase, the amount of oat bran you should eat is increased from the 1½ tablespoons per day of the Attack phase to 2 tablespoons per day, prepared in the same way as for the Attack phase.
Similarly, the recommended exercise is increased from the 20- minute walk of the Attack phase to a 30-minute walk in the Cruise phase. If you are on a stagnation plateau, increase this to a 60- minute walk for 4 days, just until you break through this plateau.
How Long Should the Alternating Protein Diet Last?
The Cruise phase is the key time in the weight loss period, the one which will take you to your goal, your True Weight. If you have over 40 pounds to lose, and if there are no other particular difficulties involved, you might hope to shed that weight over 20 weeks of the alternating protein diet—that is, in a little under 5 months.

Dukan Diet Atack Phase Summary

Attack Phase

Category 1: Lean Meats
By lean meat, I mean beef, veal, lean pork, and game.(vanat)
- Beef: All roasts or grilled beef are allowed—namely, steaks, tenderloin, sirloin, and roast beef; you must carefully avoid all types of ribs as they are too fatty.
- Veal: Recommended are veal cutlets and roast veal; veal chops are allowed as long as you trim all the fat.
- Buffalo(bivoli) and venison(caprioara) are permitted.
- Pork: Lean cuts are permitted, such as tenderloin, loin roast, or well-trimmed center-cut chops.
Lamb is not allowed in the Attack phase.
You can prepare all these meats as you like but without using any butter, oil, or cream, not even low-fat versions. However, if using a nonstick pan, you can rub the surface with a few drops of oil on a piece of paper towel to keep the flavor of the cooked meat without additional fat. I recommend that you grill your meat, but these meats can also be roasted in the oven, cooked on a rotisserie, or even boiled.
But do remember that the longer the meat is cooked, the less fat there is, which comes closest to the Dukan Diet’s ideal of pure protein.
- You can also use lean ground meat prepared as burgers or as meatballs mixed with an egg, spices, capers, or pickles, and grilled or cooked in the oven. Raw meat is allowed. Frozen beef burgers are allowed, but make sure that the fat content does not exceed 10 percent—15 percent is too rich for the Attack phase.

Category 2:  Organ Meats
- Liver (beef, veal, or poultry=pasari). Liver is rich in vitamins, which is very useful during a diet. Unfortunately, liver is also high in cholesterol, so it should be avoided if you have any cardiovascular problems. 
- Kidneys,
- Tongue are allowed.

Category 3: Fish
There is no restriction or limitation with this family of foods. All fish are allowed: lean or fat; white or oily; fresh, frozen, dried, or smoked; or canned (but not in oil or sauce containing fat).
All fatty fish and oily fish are allowed, such as sardines, mackerel, bluefish, tuna, and salmon.
All white and lean fish are also allowed, such as sole, halibut, cod, sea bass, mahi-mahi, tilapia, orange roughy, catfish, perch, skate, trout, flounder, and monkfish, as well as many other lesser-known varieties. Smoked fish is permitted, too. Smoked salmon, although greasy looking, is less fatty than a 90 percent fat-free steak. The same goes for smoked trout, tuna, eel, and haddock.
Canned fish, very handy for quick meals or picnics, is allowed if it is in brine or water, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, or sardines. Canned sardines in tomato sauce are also permitted.
Always cook your fish without oil or butter, but moisten it with lemon juice or a little soy sauce, and sprinkle with herbs and spices. Enjoy it baked, poached, or steamed.

Category 4: Shellfish
Here I include crustaceans and all shell fish: shrimp, cray fish, crab, lobster, scallops, oysters, clams, and mussels, as well as squid and octopus. Keep these in mind and use them to add a festive touch to your menu and make it interesting and varied. They are also very filling and satisfying.

Category 5: Poultry (pasari)
All poultry is allowed except birds with flat bills, wild birds are also allowed such as farm-reared goose and duck, provided you do not eat the skin. You can leave the skin on when cooking and remove it on your plate at the last moment so that the meat does not dry out. 
Everything is allowed except the outside part of the wings, which is too fatty and cannot be separated from the skin.

Category 6:
- Low-Fat Ham
- Smoked Turkey and Chicken,
- Dried Beef
The fat content between 2 and 4 percent.

Category 7: Eggs

Eggs can be eaten hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, or in an omelet, but always without any butter or oil. Egg substitutes, fresh, frozen, or powdered, can be an alternative to eggs if you want to cut your intake of fat and cholesterol, which are concentrated in the egg’s yolk. These products, like Eggbeaters, or Better’n Eggs, contain 99 percent egg whites.
To make your eggs more sophisticated and less monotonous, you can add shrimp or even some shredded crab. Try omelets with chopped onion or a few asparagus tips just for the favor, ham, and spices. In a diet in which quantities are not restricted, eggs can be problematic because the yolks are high in cholesterol. Anyone with a high cholesterol level should consume no more than 3 or 4 egg yolks a week. But egg whites, a pure protein par excellence, can be eaten without restriction. You can make omelets using just one yolk for every two whites.

Category 8: Vegetable Proteins
- Tofu:
*Silken tofu has the consistency of flan or yogurt. It is useful in making dessert and pastry recipes and quiches based on oat bran galettes. It is also an interesting alternative in the preparation of sauces to replace mayonnaise, yogurt, or sour cream. Its consistency means that it can be whipped to act as a cream substitute.
*Firm (or extra firm) tofu has the consistency of semisoft cheese. It can be used in various forms: crumbled, grated, in small chunks, or as a purée for all kinds of main dishes, starters, and desserts. It is naturally tasteless but soaks up all the flavors of the foods surrounding it. It combines very well with chives, soy sauce, and mild spices.
Tofu benefits enormously from being marinated in the sauce of your choice for a few hours before cooking. To allow it to better soak up the flavor of the marinade, be sure to remove all its water by pressing it between two plates using a weight. Firm tofu is stored like mozzarella, refrigerated in water that should be changed every 2 days, for not more than 10 days.
Tofu holds a favored position in the Dukan Diet. 
You can find tofu dumplings, vegetarian sausages, stir fries, and ravioli made using tofu, all of very high quality and great flavor, but they have to be less than 8 % fat.
- Seitan = “vegetable meat”
On a nutritional level, seitan is a food extremely rich in protein (25 percent) and low in calories (110 calories per 100 grams). It also contains very few carbohydrates, almost no fat, and no cholesterol. Use seitan by the date on the package; it can also be frozen for longer storage. To cook seitan, pan-frying it gently in a covered nonstick pan over low heat will make it become more tender. Quick-frying it will make it hard. To maintain the best consistency and flavor, avoid using slices that are too thick. Think about marinating the slices in a mix of soy sauce and herbs, spices, and oil before adding it to the pan.

Category 9: Nonfat Dairy Products
Nonfat milk, nonfat yogurt, nonfat sour cream, nonfat cream cheese, and nonfat cottage cheese were developed to make losing weight easier. Just as the transformation of milk into cheese is responsible for the elimination of lactose, the only sugar found in milk, these fat-free dairy products contain practically nothing but protein, which is why they are so useful when we are looking for pure proteins during the Attack phase.
Natural and flavored (e.g. coconut, vanilla, lemon) yogurts are allowed without any restriction.
Nonfat fruit yogurts are allowed, but no more than 8 ounces per day. However, if you want a lightning-fast start to your Attack phase diet, you are better off avoiding them altogether and even more so if you have hit a weight plateau.

Category 10: 1½ Quarts of Water per Day

Category 11: 1½ Tablespoons of Oat Bran
On average, oat bran can absorb up to twenty-five times its volume of water. This means that as soon as it reaches the stomach, it swells and takes up enough space to very quickly make you feel full. It is also extremely high in soluble fiber and can reduce the absorption of dietary fat. Because oat bran makes you feel full and pushes food through your system more quickly, it is a precious ally in my battle against the weight problem epidemic.

- Sugar is not allowed, but aspartame and Splenda are perfectly acceptable and can be used without restriction.
Vinegar, spices, herbs, thyme, garlic, parsley, onion, and shallots are not only allowed but highly recommended. Using them brings out the flavor of foods and heightens their sensory value. These oral sensations trigger our nervous system, which is responsible for whether we feel full or not, contributing to our feeling of being satisfied. To be clear, I am saying quite simply that spices are not just taste enhancers, which in itself is no small achievement, but that they are foods that encourage weight loss. What certain spices such as vanilla or cinnamon do is ofer their warm and reassuring taste in exchange for sugary flavors. Others such as coriander, curry powder, and cloves can cut down the need for salt.
- Pickles (made without sugar), as well as pickled onions, are allowed, as long as they are condiments. If eaten in too large a quantity, they become a vegetable and outside the Attack phase’s pure protein requirement.
- Lemons can be used to flavor fish or seafood but cannot be consumed as lemon juice or lemonade.
- Mustard and Salt are acceptable but must be used in moderation. There are salt-free mustards and low-sodium diet salts if you want to use them liberally.
- Ordinary Ketchup is not allowed because it is both very salty and very sweet, but there are sugar-free natural ketchups that can be used in moderation and high-quality tomato purées and pastes that turn into a real treat with just a little flavoring and spicing up—without any of that sweet aftertaste that does not go well with meats.
- Sugar-free chewing gum is extremely useful in the fight against weight problems and especially so during the first two weight loss phases, the Attack and Cruise phases.
- All Oil is forbidden, except in the smallest quantities for greasing a frying pan. Even though olive oil justifiably has a reputation for protecting the heart and arteries, it is still oil, and pure fats have no place in a pure protein diet.
Apart from the allowable extras listed here and the food categories just described, you may eat nothing else. All other foods and drinks—anything that is not explicitly mentioned on this list—are forbidden during the Attack diet’s relatively brief kick-start
Concentrate on what you are allowed to eat and forget the rest.
Make sure you get enough variety and pick ingredients for your meals in any order you want so as to keep things interesting. And do not ever forget that all the foods allowed and on this list are for you, really and truly for you.
General Advice

- Eat As Often As You Like
- Do not forget that the secret of this diet is to eat a lot and to eat before hunger strikes so that you avoid succumbing to a tempting food not on the list.
- Never Skip Meals
- Drink Whenever You Eat
- Do Not Run Out of the Foods You Need for Your Diet
- Before You Eat Something, Check Whether It Is on the List
- Breakfast is an important meal in our pure protein diet. Coffee or tea, sweetened with aspartame or Splenda if you like, with or without nonfat milk, and enjoyed with a nonfat yogurt, boiled egg, a slice of turkey, or light ham is much better nutritionally than a pastry or chocolate-favored cereal, and it is also more satisfying and stimulating.
Breakfast is the perfect time to cook your oat bran galette. If you are in too much of a hurry to make the galette, you can eat the oat bran as a hot cereal by mixing 1 tablespoonful of oat bran with some hot nonfat milk sweetened with aspartame or Splenda, or mix it with yogurt to give it a thicker texture.
Take care! During this Attack phase, you must not exceed the daily dose of 1½ tablespoons of oat bran so as not to disrupt the specific action of the proteins.Attack Phase

Category 1: Lean Meats
By lean meat, I mean beef, veal, lean pork, and game.(vanat)
- Beef: All roasts or grilled beef are allowed—namely, steaks, tenderloin, sirloin, and roast beef; you must carefully avoid all types of ribs as they are too fatty.
- Veal: Recommended are veal cutlets and roast veal; veal chops are allowed as long as you trim all the fat.
- Buffalo(bivoli) and venison(caprioara) are permitted.
- Pork: Lean cuts are permitted, such as tenderloin, loin roast, or well-trimmed center-cut chops.
Lamb is not allowed in the Attack phase.
You can prepare all these meats as you like but without using any butter, oil, or cream, not even low-fat versions. However, if using a nonstick pan, you can rub the surface with a few drops of oil on a piece of paper towel to keep the flavor of the cooked meat without additional fat. I recommend that you grill your meat, but these meats can also be roasted in the oven, cooked on a rotisserie, or even boiled.
But do remember that the longer the meat is cooked, the less fat there is, which comes closest to the Dukan Diet’s ideal of pure protein.
- You can also use lean ground meat prepared as burgers or as meatballs mixed with an egg, spices, capers, or pickles, and grilled or cooked in the oven. Raw meat is allowed. Frozen beef burgers are allowed, but make sure that the fat content does not exceed 10 percent—15 percent is too rich for the Attack phase.

Category 2:  Organ Meats
- Liver (beef, veal, or poultry=pasari). Liver is rich in vitamins, which is very useful during a diet. Unfortunately, liver is also high in cholesterol, so it should be avoided if you have any cardiovascular problems. 
- Kidneys,
- Tongue are allowed.

Category 3: Fish
There is no restriction or limitation with this family of foods. All fish are allowed: lean or fat; white or oily; fresh, frozen, dried, or smoked; or canned (but not in oil or sauce containing fat).
All fatty fish and oily fish are allowed, such as sardines, mackerel, bluefish, tuna, and salmon.
All white and lean fish are also allowed, such as sole, halibut, cod, sea bass, mahi-mahi, tilapia, orange roughy, catfish, perch, skate, trout, flounder, and monkfish, as well as many other lesser-known varieties. Smoked fish is permitted, too. Smoked salmon, although greasy looking, is less fatty than a 90 percent fat-free steak. The same goes for smoked trout, tuna, eel, and haddock.
Canned fish, very handy for quick meals or picnics, is allowed if it is in brine or water, such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, or sardines. Canned sardines in tomato sauce are also permitted.
Always cook your fish without oil or butter, but moisten it with lemon juice or a little soy sauce, and sprinkle with herbs and spices. Enjoy it baked, poached, or steamed.

Category 4: Shellfish
Here I include crustaceans and all shell fish: shrimp, cray fish, crab, lobster, scallops, oysters, clams, and mussels, as well as squid and octopus. Keep these in mind and use them to add a festive touch to your menu and make it interesting and varied. They are also very filling and satisfying.

Category 5: Poultry (pasari)
All poultry is allowed except birds with flat bills, wild birds are also allowed such as farm-reared goose and duck, provided you do not eat the skin. You can leave the skin on when cooking and remove it on your plate at the last moment so that the meat does not dry out. 
Everything is allowed except the outside part of the wings, which is too fatty and cannot be separated from the skin.

Category 6:
- Low-Fat Ham
- Smoked Turkey and Chicken,
- Dried Beef
The fat content between 2 and 4 percent.

Category 7: Eggs

Eggs can be eaten hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, or in an omelet, but always without any butter or oil. Egg substitutes, fresh, frozen, or powdered, can be an alternative to eggs if you want to cut your intake of fat and cholesterol, which are concentrated in the egg’s yolk. These products, like Eggbeaters, or Better’n Eggs, contain 99 percent egg whites.
To make your eggs more sophisticated and less monotonous, you can add shrimp or even some shredded crab. Try omelets with chopped onion or a few asparagus tips just for the favor, ham, and spices. In a diet in which quantities are not restricted, eggs can be problematic because the yolks are high in cholesterol. Anyone with a high cholesterol level should consume no more than 3 or 4 egg yolks a week. But egg whites, a pure protein par excellence, can be eaten without restriction. You can make omelets using just one yolk for every two whites.

Category 8: Vegetable Proteins
- Tofu:
*Silken tofu has the consistency of flan or yogurt. It is useful in making dessert and pastry recipes and quiches based on oat bran galettes. It is also an interesting alternative in the preparation of sauces to replace mayonnaise, yogurt, or sour cream. Its consistency means that it can be whipped to act as a cream substitute.
*Firm (or extra firm) tofu has the consistency of semisoft cheese. It can be used in various forms: crumbled, grated, in small chunks, or as a purée for all kinds of main dishes, starters, and desserts. It is naturally tasteless but soaks up all the flavors of the foods surrounding it. It combines very well with chives, soy sauce, and mild spices.
Tofu benefits enormously from being marinated in the sauce of your choice for a few hours before cooking. To allow it to better soak up the flavor of the marinade, be sure to remove all its water by pressing it between two plates using a weight. Firm tofu is stored like mozzarella, refrigerated in water that should be changed every 2 days, for not more than 10 days.
Tofu holds a favored position in the Dukan Diet. 
You can find tofu dumplings, vegetarian sausages, stir fries, and ravioli made using tofu, all of very high quality and great flavor, but they have to be less than 8 % fat.
- Seitan = “vegetable meat”
On a nutritional level, seitan is a food extremely rich in protein (25 percent) and low in calories (110 calories per 100 grams). It also contains very few carbohydrates, almost no fat, and no cholesterol. Use seitan by the date on the package; it can also be frozen for longer storage. To cook seitan, pan-frying it gently in a covered nonstick pan over low heat will make it become more tender. Quick-frying it will make it hard. To maintain the best consistency and flavor, avoid using slices that are too thick. Think about marinating the slices in a mix of soy sauce and herbs, spices, and oil before adding it to the pan.

Category 9: Nonfat Dairy Products
Nonfat milk, nonfat yogurt, nonfat sour cream, nonfat cream cheese, and nonfat cottage cheese were developed to make losing weight easier. Just as the transformation of milk into cheese is responsible for the elimination of lactose, the only sugar found in milk, these fat-free dairy products contain practically nothing but protein, which is why they are so useful when we are looking for pure proteins during the Attack phase.
Natural and flavored (e.g. coconut, vanilla, lemon) yogurts are allowed without any restriction.
Nonfat fruit yogurts are allowed, but no more than 8 ounces per day. However, if you want a lightning-fast start to your Attack phase diet, you are better off avoiding them altogether and even more so if you have hit a weight plateau.

Category 10: 1½ Quarts of Water per Day

Category 11: 1½ Tablespoons of Oat Bran
On average, oat bran can absorb up to twenty-five times its volume of water. This means that as soon as it reaches the stomach, it swells and takes up enough space to very quickly make you feel full. It is also extremely high in soluble fiber and can reduce the absorption of dietary fat. Because oat bran makes you feel full and pushes food through your system more quickly, it is a precious ally in my battle against the weight problem epidemic.

- Sugar is not allowed, but aspartame and Splenda are perfectly acceptable and can be used without restriction.
Vinegar, spices, herbs, thyme, garlic, parsley, onion, and shallots are not only allowed but highly recommended. Using them brings out the flavor of foods and heightens their sensory value. These oral sensations trigger our nervous system, which is responsible for whether we feel full or not, contributing to our feeling of being satisfied. To be clear, I am saying quite simply that spices are not just taste enhancers, which in itself is no small achievement, but that they are foods that encourage weight loss. What certain spices such as vanilla or cinnamon do is ofer their warm and reassuring taste in exchange for sugary flavors. Others such as coriander, curry powder, and cloves can cut down the need for salt.
- Pickles (made without sugar), as well as pickled onions, are allowed, as long as they are condiments. If eaten in too large a quantity, they become a vegetable and outside the Attack phase’s pure protein requirement.
- Lemons can be used to flavor fish or seafood but cannot be consumed as lemon juice or lemonade.
- Mustard and Salt are acceptable but must be used in moderation. There are salt-free mustards and low-sodium diet salts if you want to use them liberally.
- Ordinary Ketchup is not allowed because it is both very salty and very sweet, but there are sugar-free natural ketchups that can be used in moderation and high-quality tomato purées and pastes that turn into a real treat with just a little flavoring and spicing up—without any of that sweet aftertaste that does not go well with meats.
- Sugar-free chewing gum is extremely useful in the fight against weight problems and especially so during the first two weight loss phases, the Attack and Cruise phases.
- All Oil is forbidden, except in the smallest quantities for greasing a frying pan. Even though olive oil justifiably has a reputation for protecting the heart and arteries, it is still oil, and pure fats have no place in a pure protein diet.
Apart from the allowable extras listed here and the food categories just described, you may eat nothing else. All other foods and drinks—anything that is not explicitly mentioned on this list—are forbidden during the Attack diet’s relatively brief kick-start
Concentrate on what you are allowed to eat and forget the rest.
Make sure you get enough variety and pick ingredients for your meals in any order you want so as to keep things interesting. And do not ever forget that all the foods allowed and on this list are for you, really and truly for you.
General Advice

- Eat As Often As You Like
- Do not forget that the secret of this diet is to eat a lot and to eat before hunger strikes so that you avoid succumbing to a tempting food not on the list.
- Never Skip Meals
- Drink Whenever You Eat
- Do Not Run Out of the Foods You Need for Your Diet
- Before You Eat Something, Check Whether It Is on the List
- Breakfast is an important meal in our pure protein diet. Coffee or tea, sweetened with aspartame or Splenda if you like, with or without nonfat milk, and enjoyed with a nonfat yogurt, boiled egg, a slice of turkey, or light ham is much better nutritionally than a pastry or chocolate-favored cereal, and it is also more satisfying and stimulating.
Breakfast is the perfect time to cook your oat bran galette. If you are in too much of a hurry to make the galette, you can eat the oat bran as a hot cereal by mixing 1 tablespoonful of oat bran with some hot nonfat milk sweetened with aspartame or Splenda, or mix it with yogurt to give it a thicker texture.
Take care! During this Attack phase, you must not exceed the daily dose of 1½ tablespoons of oat bran so as not to disrupt the specific action of the proteins.